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Why Cool Down Exercises and Recovery are So Important for Swimmers

Why Cool Down Exercises and Recovery are So Important for Swimmers

Why Cool Down Exercises and Recovery are So Important for Swimmers

Why Cool Down Exercises and Recovery are So Important for Swimmers

Part of an effective and proper swim session, whether it's an early morning practice or an important meet, is restoring your body. Part of a total performance swimming plan is recovery and the cool...

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Why Vitamin B12 Helps Your Body After a Swim Meet

Why Vitamin B12 Helps Your Body After a Swim Meet

After a swim meet, the last thing you're probably thinking about is the composition and dynamics of certain vitamins and what they're doing for your health. Instead, you're either celebrating the s...

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3 Reasons Swimmers Shouldn't Skip Their Cool Down Exercises

3 Reasons Swimmers Shouldn't Skip Their Cool Down Exercises

Swimmers often have busy schedules; we're rushing from a training session back to class, or from an early morning swim practice into a busy day full of meetings. When we're in this kind of rush, on...

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Why It's Crucial to Avoid Tainted Supplements

Why It's Crucial to Avoid Tainted Supplements

Federal regulators, sports authorities, and school committees all warn athletes and consumers against the dangers of taking tainted supplements. These tainted products are found in everything from ...

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The Ultimate Guide to Using Protein Shakes

The Ultimate Guide to Using Protein Shakes

Nutrition for swimmers is one of those key facets of a training performance plan that is often ignored. But with more and more research being done on how important it is to eat the right nutrients,...

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NutriBoost & How It Can Help Improve Your Swim Performance

NutriBoost & How It Can Help Improve Your Swim Performance

If you've been reading our posts for a while, you might have heard us mention one of our best-selling products, the NutriBoost Shake. Well over the past 5-6 years, our NutriBoost shake has helped t...

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Anti-Inflammatory Foods for Better Recovery

Anti-Inflammatory Foods for Better Recovery

The last thing you're probably thinking about after a workout is ways to reduce inflammation. It's more likely that you're rushing to the shower, back to class, or headed to a meeting and don't hav...

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Hydrate the Healthy Way - Hydration for Swimmers.jpg

Hydrate the Healthy Way: Hydration for Swimmers

It's no mystery that water is beneficial to our health. The majority of our bodies are made up of water since this critical component regulates body temperature, lubricates your joints, helps with ...

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5 Stretching Exercises to Prevent Injuries

5 Stretching Exercises to Prevent Injuries


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5 Cool Down Exercises for Swimmers

5 Cool Down Exercises for Swimmers

Swimming engages all the large muscle groups in your body, and the increased demand for oxygen from your muscles makes you breathe deeper, so doing some cool down exercises after your swim meet or ...

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